I have been trying to encourage friends and family to give Kalani less plastic and electronic toys, and more wooden and natural material toys. Kalani does love his noisy, musical, brightly colored plastic, and I do plan to keep the ones we have around. I try to remember to keep moderation in mind about almost everything in our lives, Kalani's toy's included :)

So... we got a HUGE package in the mail the other day from Gramma Ilo and it was full of really cool, new, wooden toys!! And a big plastic fire hydrant, that Kalani adores and points to and says "dai-ya-ya!". He learned how to say his version of fire hydrant a few weeks ago, so when he pulled this one out of the box he was just ecstatic! There was also a cool wooden fruit set that goes perfectly with Kalani's new kitchen (that we finally put together last week after rearranging the living room). The pieces of fruit velcro together and you can cut them apart with the cute wooden knife that came with the set. Everything in the package was awesome, and is so what Kalani is into right now! Once he pulled all the new things out of the box, he really enjoyed playing with, and crumbling all of the packing peanuts. He played in the box for at least an hour!!