Friday, August 10, 2007


We all have them, but I think we try to hold back or something... it seems like our own obsessions, as adults, are not so well known. Kalani's, on the other hand, are! He Love, Love, Loves "agua" right now. He says agua when referring to any sprinklers, showers, the ocean... but NOT drinking water. In Kalani's mind these two things are still very different! He picked up this Spanish word from all of the gardeners at our complex, and at the nursery across the street, Roger's.

Enjoying some "nana time" at Roger's

Normally the sprinkler system at our apartment complex comes on late at night, but once every week or two they turn them on during the day to test and adjust them. We were getting ready to head out of the house for the day when Kalani heard them come on, so he HAD to go out and check them out for himself.

I was about to get him dressed which is why he is naked!

This morning exploration only made us a little bit late to where we were headed ;)

Yesterday at the beach was one of the first times Kalani really got into playing in the waves! The pictures don't quite capture the sheer happiness he was experiencing, or how hard he was laughing as each wave splashed into his little naked body. But they do show how much fun he was having! Nana was holding his arms and lifting him up as each wave came; lifting him up high for the big ones and not so high for the little ones. One wave came and splashed him in the face a little, but he didn't seem to really mind, his body was shivering and his teeth were chattering though, so we decided he was done for the day. He will have so many more days to play in the waves!

Kalani's other obsession these days is candles and fire. Nana has had quite an influence on this one ;)

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