Kalani and I headed out on our second airplane trip to go and visit Auntie Zoi in San Francisco! Once again I found myself embarking on this adventure, just me and my little man. This seemed like a daunting task when I was preparing, and I think I tend to psych myself out that it is going to be really difficult and exhausting. But lo and behold, it was a breeze!

Kalani was fascinated by the airport and airplane, I think he talked faster and said more words than I have ever heard before. "Ah-plane, up, down, oh oh, on, on, ah-plane, down, uh-oh, uh-oh, down, up, ah-plane, on, oh oh, ah-plane, up, down, up, up......" seriously, this would go on for 15, 20 minutes, NON-STOP. It was hilarious and adorable. He stomped thru the airport like he was a first class business man, traveling the globe. No fear.
I was very excited and anxious to have Kalani in a big city for the first time, really. We had an awesome time! I finally got to see
The Presidio Social Club in person and enjoy a fabulous meal. I got to see Zoi and Jen's adorable apartment, and spend a some more time with little Pruney. "Aw-tee" taught Kalani how to tell Prune "noooo-w", and point his little finger at her when she barked too loud. He caught on really quickly and was quite proud. Prune took him very seriously and would run away with her little tail between her legs. Unfortunately I did not get any photos of this :( Here are a bunch of pictures of Kalani playing at Zoi's apartment though. He really liked it there!
ahhhh, so sad, but such a cute, funny face :)
we bought these shoes the day before and Kalani LOVED them, he insisted on wearing them out of the store! He got them on all by himself this morning and refused to take them off. I had to pull his pants on over them!

I had a great time kicking around the city, after not being there for quite a few years.
Union Square in downtown San Francisco
doing some late night shopping with Gram and Gramp We also got to have a very long overdue (over 8 months, can you believe that?!!) visit with "Buff" and "Ay-Yo". The 4 of us went to the SF zoo which was a lot of fun. It was a beautiful zoo with the coolest farm and petting zoo I have ever seen! It was a chilly, cloudy, misty day, typical of SF, but still a great day for the zoo.

uhhhh, wrestling the goat?!! Perhaps having a reminiscent moment of the old days back home on the farm :)!
workin some more, with buff
riding on the "choo-choo" All in all our visit to SF was quick and busy, but so much fun!
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