Thursday, July 5, 2007

Happy 4th of July!

We got all around the county yesterday for our July 4th celebration; we went down to visit Granny Sue and Grandpa Fred at Niguel Shores for a yummy pancake breakfast in the morning, then we headed to Nana's house on Lido. From there we decided to pack up and WALK to Balboa Peninsula to see what this day was really all about here in OC! It was CRAZY!!! There were thousands of people everywhere you looked, walking, riding bikes, and generally just partying! This was a big change from the usual northwest festivities that I am used to; generally starting in the afternoon/evening and really focusing on the firework show at the end. Oh no, the party starts first thing in the morning here and goes on strong all day long! We hung out at the beach, had a couple drinks at the bar, hung out at the beach some more, then headed back to Nana's for some fireworks. Kalani liked it! He wasn't scared at all!! He actually got sleepy and ended up nursing thru half of our "show" (whats new, ha ha). All in all we had a great day!

1 comment:

Angel Baby said...

So, if I understand you correctly, you went to THE bar on Balboa Island?? They pour some pretty strong drinks there, don't they?

Sounds like it was a blast!