Saturday, February 23, 2008

Ok, ok.......

I know most of you really just want to see new pictures of the little man. So here you go........... :)
watching BIG trucks rip up and lay new asphalt.
us, having dinner on the San Clemente pier.
smells nice ;)
eating soup with Aiden

I'm back!

Sorry for the loooong break in new posts here, I have no excuse really, so I wont try to make one up. No excuse aside from the usual trials of daily life living a healthy and green lifestyle in ridiculously expensive orange county, raising my beautiful 2-year-old angel on a single mother's work-from home budget, anyway.
Plenty has gone on in the past 2 1/2 months, and I'm not going to touch on everything right now. But what was really great, exciting, and oh-so relaxing was my overnight getaway last weekend! John took me on a completely surprise night away last weekend for Valentines Day!! We went to Santa Barbara and it was AMAZING; the most fun and relaxed time I have had in over 2 years :)

Not great pictures, I know, sorry :( We stayed in a great hotel though, and had some good food and good drink, and lots of good times!