John and I both knew that this baby was going to come early. My midwife, Kris, was pretty sure too. My 37-week mark came on February 18th, and we joked with each other that I just needed to make it through the weekend, so I could have my baby shower! And I did.
That Monday, I started to feel (mentally and physically) that things really were going to be happening a little sooner than expected. By late in the day on Tuesday, I started to wonder just when exactly. I woke up early Wednesday morning, around 3:30 am and got out of bed. It was happening!
I decided to take a walk outside to get things going, and to let the boys sleep, undisturbed. I came back in about an hour later, got online to check my email while I still could ;-) and called my Mama.
It was 4:30 in the morning, February 25th, exactly two weeks before my estimated date of birth. I woke up John. Within the next couple hours my contractions really intensified and started getting longer and closer together. Kalani woke up, took a dip in the birth tub, and watched Peter Pan. Then Grandpa Fred came to take him out for the day. Kris arrived around 8:30. Being myself, and always wanting to know what is going to happen and when, I asked Kris and her wonderful assistant, Brigitte, when this baby was going to come out!?!! I was ready! Brigitte very calmly told me that it would be before dinner time. I said that is wasn't even lunch time yet (basically, I didn't like that answer!). So then she said it would be by snack time between lunch and dinner.... Around 11 o'clock I decided to have Kris break my water. I gave a few good, strong pushes and my mom walked through the door. I pushed about three more times and baby Dylan was here. It was 11:51 am. Not even lunch time yet ;-)
Dylan James Helmrich. Born February 25, 2009. 11:51 am. 8 pounds 1 ounce. 20 inches long.

Welcome to the world baby boy. We love you so, so, so much!