Wow! There has been a lot going on with us, and I haven't updated here in a while.
Ok, so the biggest news would be that we are having another baby, yay!!! I am due around March 10th. Although we were quite shocked, and honestly not very excited at first, we are now feeling really good and happy and looking forward to our new addition. Kalani seems pretty happy and excited too :) I'm also happy about the due date; I like early spring time.
Like having a nearing 3 years old toddler and another baby on the way isn't enough, we splurged and got 2 kitties yesterday. I know, we're nuts. What are we thinking? is what I keep asking myself...!?!! But, they are both very cute and sweet. We went with the intent to get one, maybe two, kittens for Kalani to have. When we got to the Humane Society Kalani went right to a huge, fluffy, gray cat and said he wanted this one because "it looks like a lion". So, we got that one. She's awesome, about 5-6 years old, super fluffy, HUGE and so super sweet and lovey. She just follows us around all day. When I was getting Kalani ready for bed last night he said he wanted the "big one" to come and sleep with him. I told him we'd have to just see what she wanted to do and let her be. Well, I snuggled up on his bed with him, read him his story, and then turned out the lights. In a matter of seconds, the "big one" came creeping into his room and jumped right up onto the bed. She snuggled down at his feet, right between Kalani and I, and fell fast asleep. He loved it :)
The other kitty we got, John and I picked because he was so fun and playful while we were picking them out. He is about 3 months old, mostly black with a few white patches on his under side. Well, he's not so frisky now that we're home. He quickly found a spot under my dresser and has pretty much stayed right there since we brought him home :( He seems pretty scared and I'm hoping he just needs some time to adjust. The "big one" has also been sort of antagonizing him; going right up to the dresser and hissing and growling at the poor little guy. So we're keeping our bedroom door shut for now in hopes that the little guy will get a little more brave and explore our bedroom on his own.
And the last, but most definitely NOT least important bit of news is that... drum roll please.... Kalani weaned! Oh my, I can still hardly believe it myself!! Having another baby coming, I had really been thinking a whole lot about how I could go about weaning Kalani gently and "easily" without him feeling like it was "because of the new baby" at all. I honestly thought that Kalani would nurse until high school, if I allowed it! But alas, as of Wednesday of last week, we seem to be done. I am so super, extra happy about this because he seemed to self-wean, which is what I had always wanted to have happen. His way of going about it was, well, a little different than anything than I had ever heard, but that's ok with me!
Sorry there are no pictures with this post. I've been bad about taking pics lately. I'll update again soon with some pictures of Kalani, my little growing belly, and the kitties!