After 4 long but incredibly smooth and enjoyable days of driving up the west coast, we arrived at our final destination yesterday afternoon. The three of us are experiencing some mixed emotions, and still processing the whole journey that we've embarked on, but overall are happy to be here. The rain from the past couple of days has gone, the sun is out today and the Skagit Valley is beautiful! Dylan is napping in a bed (as opposed to a car seat!), Kalani is outside riding the tractor-mower and burning yard debris and Gus is resting, happily, on the stairs. This feels good so far.....
I don't have my computer and I'm still figuring out how I will be able to upload pics, so I don't have any to share yet. But my wonderful friend Amiel, who flew down to OC to be able to accompany us on our drive up, is a fantastic photographer so I had him document our trip. I will post those pics asap!
Thank you, friends, for all the well wishes! This journey would be much more difficult for me, without all of your love and support!